Sources & ressources

Études, articles et bases scientifiques

  • Goodwin, D., McGreevy, P. D., Waran, N., & McLean, A. N. (2009). How equitation science can elucidate and refine horsemanship techniques. The Veterinary Journal, 181(1), 5-11.
  • Christensen, J. W., Rundgren, M., & Olsson, K. (2006). Training methods for horses: habituation to a frightening stimulus. Equine veterinary journal, 38(5), 439-443.
  • Warren-Smith, A. K., Curtis, R. A., & Greetham, L. (2008). Behavioural observations of horses undergoing initial training: A pilot study. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 112(1-2), 186-195.
  • Christensen, J. W., Keeling, L. J., & Nielsen, B. L. (2005). Responses of horses to novel visual, olfactory and auditory stimuli. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 93(1-2), 53-65.
  • Sankey, C., Richard-Yris, M. A., Leroy, H., & Henry, S. (2010). The effect of individual responses to humans on learning performances of working horses. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 125(1-2), 43-53.
  • Neue Schule. What’s pressing on my horse tongue », « Levers and pulleys »
  • Budras, K. D., Röck, S., Richter, R., & Fricke, W. (2003). Anatomy of the horse: locomotor apparatus. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice, 19(1), 1-51.
  • Zsoldos, R. R., Rikola-Ginzler, C., & Jenner, F. (2017). Anatomy of the equine thorax and forelimb depicted by computed tomography. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound, 58(3), 287-298.
  • Dyce, K. M., & Sack, W. O. (1973). The anatomy of the limbs of the horse: The joints and ligaments. Journal of Anatomy, 115(Pt 1), 117.
  • Structure and Function of the Equine Oral Cavity and Perioral Region – M. T. Case
  • Equine dental disease Part 1: A long-term study of 400 cases: Disorders of incisor, canine and first premolar teeth – P. M. Dixon, W. H. Tremaine, K. Pickles, L. Kuhns, C. Hawe
  • The Relationship Between Occlusal Equilibration and Temporomandibular Joint Health in Horses: A Long-Term Study – Sophie Décary et G. Beauchamp
  • Englisch LM, Kostrzewa K, Kopke S, Failing K, Staszyk C (2017) Uneven distribution of enamel, dentine and cementum in cheek teeth of domestic horses (Equus caballus): A micro computed tomography study.
  • A model to simulate the mastication motion at the TMJ joint. (2005) Algreen
  • Étude expérimentale de l’évolution de la locomotion du cheval avec l’adaptation de la selle au couple cheval-cavalier – C.Hévin-Zaccaron
  • Usability of normal force distribution measurements to evaluate asymmetrical loading of the back of the horse and different rider positions – Cocq, H.Clayton, K.Terada, J.L Van Leeuwen
  • Coordination Dynamics of the Horse-Rider System – J.Lagarde, S.Kelso, X.Peham, T.Licka ; 2005
  • Influence of the rider on the variability of equine gait – C.Peham, T.Licka, H.Schobesberger, E.M Meschan
  • A Systematic Approach to Comparing Thermal Activity of the Thoracic Region and Saddle Pressure Distribution beneath the Saddle in a Group of Non-Lame Sports Horses – R.Guire, M.Fisher, H.Mathie, T.Pfau (2021)
  • Horse’s laterality: methods of determination, genetic aspects, interaction with human handedness and the influence on horse-rider communication, horse’s muscle status, sport success and risk of injury – S.Kuhnke
  • Trunk Kinematics of Experienced Riders and Novice Riders During Rising Trot on a Riding Simulator – L.Clark, E.Bradley, J.Ling, R.Guire
  • Differential rotational movement and symmetry values of the thoracolumbosacral region in high-level dressage horses when trotting – R.Guire, T.Pfau (2021)
  • Equine performance and equitation science: Clinical issues – S.Dyson
  • Testing optimal methods to compare horse postures using geometric morphometrics – E.Sénèque, S.Morisset, C.Lesimple, M.Hausberger (2018)
  • Analyse cinematique du cheval a l’obstacle – P.Galloux, E.Barrey (1997)
  • Licking and chewing – submission or stress? – Conference at ISES Rome 2018 – M.Sc. Margrete Lie and Prof. Ruth Newberry
  • Effects of different bits and bridles on frequency of induced swallowing in cantering horses. J Manfredi, HM Clayton and FJ Derksen.
  • The science of exercice in the athletic horse – Evans.D, 2004
  • The magical number seven, plus or minus two : Some limits on our capacity for processing information – G.A.Miller, 1956
  • The magical number 4 in short-term memory : a reconsideration of mental storage capacity – N.Cowan, 2001
  • The magical mystery four : How is working memory capacity limited and why ? – N.Cowan, 2010
  • The capacity of visual working memory for features and conjunctions – S.J.Luck, E.K.Vogel, 1997
  • The neural basis of decision-making and reward processing in humans – John P. O’Doherty, 2008
  • The role of the prefrontal cortex in cognitive control – Robert S. E. Duthie et al, 2011
  • The neural basis of human error processing: Reinforcement learning, dopamine, and the error-related negativity- John F. McDonald et al, 2004
  • A comparison of rein tension of the rider’s dominant and non-dominant hand and the influence of the horse’s laterality – S.Kuhnke, L.Dumbell, M.Gauly, J.L. Johnson, K.McDonald, U.Konig von Borstel, 2010
  • The many faces of working memory and short-term storage – N.Cowan, 2017
  • Asymmetry of flight and escape turning responses in horses – N.P.Austin, L.P.Rogers, 2007
  • Handedness in past human populations: Skeletal markers – J.Steele, 2000
  • Effects of surface texture and grip force on the discrimination of hand-held loads – J.R.Flanagan, A.M.Wing, 1997
  • Rein tension during horseback riding using strain gage tranducers – H.M Clayton, W.H Singleton, J.L Lanovaz, G.L. Cloud, 2003
  • Posture, Flexibility and Grip Strength in Horse Riders – J.J.Hobbs, L.A Rossel, J.Sinclair, H.M Clayton, 2014
  • Rein tension in 8 professional riders during regular training sessions – M.Eisersiö, M.Rhodin, L.Roepstorff, A.Engenvall, 2015
  • A preliminary investigation of behaviour, heart rate and salivary cortisol concentrations in horses ridden with or without a bit – McGreevy et al. 2012
  • Behavioural and physiological responses of horses to different bridles: A preliminary study – Rochais, M., et al. 2014
  • Effect of noseband tightening on horses’ behavior, eye temperature, and cardiac responses – Fenner, K., et al. 2016
  • A comparison of behavioural, heart rate and cortisol responses of horses ridden with or without a noseband – McGreevy et al. 2018
  • Prevalence and Risk Factors for the Presence of Gastric Ulcers in Pleasure and Breeding Horses in Italy – S.Busechian, F.Bindi, S.Orvieto, F.Zappulla, M.C.Marchesi, I.Nisi,F.Rueca, 2023
  • Horse Grimace Scale Does Not Detect Pain in Horses with Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome – G.F.Agne & Al, 2023
  • Management Practices and Gastric Ulcers in Sport Horses – E.Miller, C.Davis, N.Hughes, 2014
  • Ergonomics in Equine Riding: The Influence of Rein Diameter on Riders’ Grip and Horse Response – Smith, L., Johnson, H., 2019
  • Effects of Rein Design on Rider Comfort and Horse Performance – O’Connor, R., Martin, D., 2017
  • The Role of Handle Design in the Prehension of Riding Reins – Prusso, A., Pritchard, J., 2021
  • How rein forces are distributed over the tongue and lips – Dr Graham Hugh Cross, 2015
  • Length and elasticity of side reins affect rein rein tension at trot – H.M Clayton, M Lavagino, 2011, The veterinary journal.
  • Action-perception coupling in judgments of hand-held loads – Flanagan J, 1996
  • Effects of surface texture on weight perception when lifting an object with precision grip – Flanagan J, AM Wing, S Allison, A Spenceley, 1995
  • Measurement of rein tension during horseback riding using strain gauge tranducers – HM Clayton, WH Singleton, JL Lanovaz, GL Cloud, 2003
  • Effects of different bits and bridles on frequency of induced swallowing in cantering horses – J Manfredi, HM Clayton, FJ Derksen, 2005
  • Rein tension measures as indicator of horse-rider communication – Cecilia Öhman, 2009
  • A comparison of applied rein tension with varying grip sensation – Experimental study case, Laetitia Ruzzene, 2018
  • In high-level dressage horses does bridle type influence noseband pressures and and movement symmetry parameters when ridden in a sitting trot? – RMK.Guire, R.C.Murray, H.Clayton, D.Fischer, 2024
  • Beyond Anthropocentrism: The Moral and Strategic Philosophy behind Russell and Burch’s 3Rs in Animal Experimentation – N.D.Müller, 2024
  • Is there a difference in mean rein forces for high-level dressage horses when ridden in a double bridle compared to a snaffle bridle? – D.Marlin, R.C.Murray, M.Fisher, D.Fisher, 2024
  • An opportunistic pilot study of radiographs of equine nasal bones et the usual site of nosebands – F. Crago, O. James, G. Shea, K. Schemann, P. McGreevy, 2006
  • In horses wearing a crank noseband, the mandibular rami experience higher pressures than the nasal bone – D.Marlin, R.C.Murray, M.Fisher, D.Fisher, 2024
  • Do tight nosebands have an effect on the upper airways of horses? – D.Scholler, J.Wittenberg, T.Zablotski, A.May, 2024
  • A Photographic Methodology for Analyzing Bit Position Under Rein Tension – C.Benoist, G.H.Cross, 2018

Livres & archives

  • Dressage : l’échelle de progression – Britta Schoffmann
  • Dressage: A Guidebook for the Road to Success – Britta Schöffmann
  • Atlas d’Odontologie Équine – H. Simhofer et A. B. Rijkenhuizen
  • The Horse’s Mind – Lucy Rees
  • Understanding the Ancient Secrets of the Horse’s Mind » – Robert Miller
  • Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy – Saunders.
  • Anatomy of the Horse: An Illustrated Text
  • The Anatomy of the Horse: A Pictorial Approach – J. A. Allen.
  • Anatomy of the Domestic Animals. – Nickel, R., Schummer, A., & Seiferle, E
  • Guide pratique de dentisterie équine – Thomas E. Goetz
  • Anatomy of the Equine Dentition – W. R. Gengler
  • Posture et performance – Gillian Higgins
  • Equine welfare guidelines – ISES
  • Exercice and training in athletic horses – WALTHAM International nutritional scineces symposium
  • La dissymétrie du cheval monté, Podologie équine libre – Pierre Beaupère, 2017
  • ​Biomécanique et gymnastique du cheval – Pr Jean Marie Denoix.
  • 100 conseils de dressage – Georges Fizet.
  • Équitation – W Müseler.
  • Journal de dressage – Georges Fizet
  • Dressage moderne, à la recherche de l’équilibre – Gerd Heuschmann.
  • Les assouplissements du cheval – Guillaume Henry.
  • Understanding the horse’s teeth and mouth – Andy Peffers.
  • L’équitation expliquée simplement – Marie Louise Van Geel.
  • L’emploi des longues rênes – Philippe Karl
  • L’éducation du cheval de selle en 30 leçons – Philippe Karl
  • Oeuvres complètes – Nuno Oliveira
  • Les principes de l’équitation classique – François Baucher
  • Le travail au pas et au trot – Guillaume Henry. Belin.
  • Travail au galop et changement de pied – Guillaume Henry
  • L’équitation classique dans le respect du cheval – Dressage basé sur une gymnastique progressive du cheval – Anja Beran
  • Dressage : construire et optimiser ses mises en selle – Jean Franck Girard
  • L’équitation centrée – Sally Swift
  • L’art de monter à cheval – Bernard Crisis
  • Ils ont inventé l’équitation : de Xénophon à Tom Dorrance – Marion Scali
  • Anthologie de la littérature équestre – Paul Morand
  • Les dogmes de l’art équestre – Albrecht Kurt


Crédits photos : J.Faure, Lucie Gérard, Mo, Photodine64

Crédits des illustrations : Laetitia Ruzzene, Céline Dumartin, Cheval ta Race. Les illustrations ne portant pas de crédit explicite sont issues des licenses Creative Commons